Thursday, September 17, 2009

Progress Update

So far we have raised $1886! It's amazing that a bunch of people have helped me and we're almost there. Thank you to Daniel, Lindsay, Campbell, and Graham. They didn't eat out for a month and gave that money to the well. That's really cool, huh? Thank you to Mr. Share, Ms. Burick, Scottie and Bob, Mr. Philip, the Lackeys, the Purifoys, the O'Neills, and Jennifer. Jennifer went to the fair and won for the best jelly and gave the money to the well. She sold notebooks to her students for the well too.

I'm feeling super duper, duper, duper, duper, duper happy, but we still have some money to raise. I think that we can raise all of the money soon though and then we will have a well and lots of people will have clean water!

1 comment:

  1. Riley,
    I just donated $60 in honor of your birthday! That is so cool that $60 can provide clean water to 3 people for 20 years!
    This is an awesome project you are doing. So glad to see you are close to your goal!
    I live in Orlando, Florida and know your dad and mom. I am friends with your grandparents and aunts also! I actually met you at your Aunt Kristen's wedding!
    Your grandparents(Goodfellows) were sharing with me all about your project. They are so proud of you! I read your blog and felt that God was calling me to give! Thank you for teaching me about this incredible need!
    I know God is pleased that you are serving in such an important way! Keep up the good work and I will continue to pray for you!
    Barbara Clayton(Rara, is what my grandchildren call me!)
